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Planning Your Estate? 4 Tips To Choosing The Right Personal Representative

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You’re getting your estate in order. The most important thing you can do is choose a personal representative. Your personal representative will make sure that your estate is administered properly after you pass away. Before you choose someone, you need to make sure that they will put your needs above theirs. It’s also important that the person you choose is over the age of 18 and mentally competent. In addition to the requirements described above, here are four other requirements you should consider.…

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Been Accused Of Shoplifting? What You Need To Know

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Have you been accused of shoplifting? In some cases, especially when the crime is considered petty theft, you may just get a fine. In other cases, you may be charged with a misdemeanor or felony of grand theft or larceny, depending on the type and amount of items allegedly stolen. There are many factors that go into a shoplifting case, so here is what you need to know if you’re ever faced with the accusation of shoplifting:…

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4 Factors A Judge Considers Before Awarding Custody

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If you are a parent who is planning to divorce your spouse, your primary concern may be gaining custody of your child. During the divorce proceedings, the judge will decide who will be the primary caregiver for your minor child. Your divorce attorney will present evidence to help show that you should be the custodial parent. However, the judge will consider multiple factors when deciding a custody arrangement. Here are a few:…

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Smart Money Moves To Make During Your Divorce

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Going through a divorce can be a stressful, emotional process. Some people lose sight of managing their finances because the divorce seems to be all-consuming. Here are some smart money moves you should consider while going through a divorce. Change Your Will Your will doesn’t change just because you are getting divorced. If you don’t amend your will, your spouse may be entitled to your estate. Talk to your divorce attorney about making the appropriate changes to the document.…

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Divorcing Parents: Tips For Planning One Holiday After Another

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The summer is ending and fall is approaching. In only a few months you’ll be celebrating those big three holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you’re like many divorcing parents, you may already be asking yourself how to plan for the festivities in the coming months. Planning holiday celebrations in the midst of a divorce can be stressful for children and parents alike. These general tips will help you mitigate the chaos and ensure the events are fun for your children.…

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3 Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Law

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If you’re like many people, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about what you would do if you were hurt in an accident. Yet in order to ensure you are adequately compensated for any injuries you suffer, it is important to consider some basic things about personal injury law. If you were involved in an accident recently, or if you would just like to learn more, read on. This article will address three common questions about personal injury law.…

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Adoption And Your Money: Ideas On How To Accumulate The Funds Needed To Adopt A Child

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Congratulations on your decision to adopt a child! As you get started with the process, a great deal of money is needed. The adoption agency and lawyers need to be paid. If you’re not of affluent means, raising money is a must. It’s likely that you’ll start the process of raising money by having garage sales or bake sales, but it won’t likely be enough. This guide provides a couple of ideas to begin the process of raising the funds needed for your adoption fees.…

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How Can You Receive A DUI Due To Marijuana Use?

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With more parts of the country legalizing marijuana, it may be causing you to have questions about the legal uses of it. Even though it may be legal to use marijuana, it is still a substance that can impair your driving and cause you to get a DUI (driving under the influence) citation if caught. Here are some key things you need to know about DUI laws relating to marijuana use.…

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False Credit Information? 3 Scenarios Where You Can Sue For Damages And Win

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Is incorrect information on your credit report ruining your life? If so, the law is on your side. If you find incorrect information on your credit report, you can file a dispute to have the information removed. Granted, sometimes getting debt collectors and creditors to comply is extremely difficult. However, you can sue for damages under the Fair Credit Reporting Act if they don’t remove the false information. There are also a few scenarios where you can sue immediately without going through the hassle of trying to get the agency to remove the information.…

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3 Tips for Dealing with Auto Accidents

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In the case of car accidents, you will need to be sure that you follow the necessary steps that will help you to pick up the pieces from both a property value and health point of view. There are a lot of steps that you can take to make sure that you are protected from a legal point of view. You’ll also need to hire a quality car accident lawyer who can assist you in building the most useful case possible.…

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