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Three Important Rules Governing Social Security Disability Claims

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Being left without the ability to earn a living due to a medically determinable impairment can be challenging. Those who have sustained an injury or developed an illness that prevents them from working can find it difficult to generate enough cash to make ends meet. Social Security Disability benefits are available to offer assistance to individuals in these situations. It’s important that you clearly understand the rules governing disability claims if you hope to successfully file for benefits in the future.…

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3 Leading Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents And How You Can Sue

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Motorcycle accidents are deadly serious business. So much so, in fact, that every motorcycle accident lawyer has a thriving practice from the number of riders that are injured every year. If you are a motorcycle owner and rider, you may want to prepare yourself for some startling incidents involving motorcycles. These three causes of motorcycle accidents, and how you can sue the other drivers or riders, will leave you with heart palpitations.…

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Post Divorce Tips For You And Your Family

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Your divorce can seem like it’s never ending. No matter what type of divorce you had, it may feel like every time you turn around you have to deal with your ex. If your divorce is over, read on for tips to help you get your life back after your divorce. Keep Communication Calm If every time you talk to your ex you end up arguing, you may want to communicate via e-mail or text message, or even through your attorneys.…

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The Social Security Appeals Process In A Nutshell

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No matter how disabled you might be, the chances of getting bad news from the Social Security Administration (SSA) is high. When you can no longer work at your job because of a medical condition, it can be tough to find that denial letter in your mailbox, but you are far from alone. You must realize that the SSA has extremely high standards for every aspect of your application process and it’s far too easy to end up having your claim rejected.…

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It's Never Too Soon: Divorce And Retirement Strategies

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As you may have heard, retirement planning and actions should start early on and the sooner the better. The divorce experience can signal a major change in your financial situation and keeping an eye on the issue of retirement needs during this time is smart. There are two divorce-related financial moves that could end up impacting your retirement planning in a big way. Read on for some thoughts on some divorce and retirement moves that are better to make now rather than later.…

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Swimming Pool Liability: Injuries That Count And Those That Don't

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If you have been injured in a swimming pool, the exact cause of your accident is of the things that determine whether you can hold the management liable for your injuries. As a rule, your chances of recovery are low if you have been injured by an obvious risk that anyone would see. Here are a few examples of such obvious risks. Drowning Due To Lack of Swimming Skills  Everyone knows or should know that swimming is a learned skill; you can easily drown if you don’t have the skill because people can’t breathe underwater.…

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Double Trouble: What To Understand About Being Tried Twice

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Most people have heard of the legal concept “double jeopardy,” but this particular term can be easily misunderstood. Double jeopardy is an important legal protection for those who’ve been charged with a crime, so read on to find out more. Repeatedly Put on Trial When the framers of the Constitution set about to create laws, they often did so with an eye toward ensuring more fairness than existed in other countries at the time.…

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Three Things You Need To Know If You Just Received The Dreaded Jury Letter

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It’s a letter most people are afraid to get in the mail: the letter informing you that you must complete jury duty. Most people do not like setting aside time to potentially serve on a jury; it can feel inconvenient and scary. Much of that fear, however, actually comes from uncertainty. If you learn a bit more about the jury selection and jury duty processes, your sense of dread and frustration may ease up.…

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Taxing Your Winnings: What You Need To Know About Taxes And Your Settlement

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If you were injured in an auto accident and won a settlement, one thing to consider is whether or not any money you received is considered taxable income. There are many different factors that determine whether or not the government will collect a portion of your settlement. You will need to work with a personal injury attorney to make sure the money you get is free from taxes as much as possible.…

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What Are The Reasons You Can Contest A Will?

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When a person creates a will, they create a legal document stating that these are their wishes for their possessions after they are gone. Normally wills will go through the courts with no problems, but because of certain circumstances some wills do get overturned and may require probate administration. What are the reasons for contesting a will? Mental Capacity One of the top reasons wills can be contested and overturned is that the person who made out the will lacked the mental capacity to do so.…

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