Bizarre Little Known Laws

Want To Plead Guilty? Here Are Reasons To Get A Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Have you been accused of a violent crime, sex crime, theft, DUI, fraud, embezzlement, or domestic violence crime, and you know you did it? The chances are that you are feeling guilty and would like to confess, but you aren’t sure if you should get a criminal defense lawyer. Deciding to be truthful and facing any severe punishment the prosecution offers is noble. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need assistance from a criminal defense attorney.…

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When Workplace Retaliation Is Considered Unlawful

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One very complicated legal matter that you may be dealing with in the workplace is retaliation from your employer. This is when your employer takes some sort of action against you due to an action that you did. Here are some examples of when you may have a viable lawsuit on your hands for workplace retaliation.  You Refuse To Break The Law Did your boss ask you to do something that would require you to break the law?…

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How A Lawyer Handles A Real Estate Closing

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Closing on a property is one of the most basic functions of real estate law. The process calls for a great deal of attention to numerous small details, though. It’s important to deal with it the right way, and you should be aware of these four things every real estate closing lawyer aims to handle. Examining the Title Most folks are looking for a clean title for a piece of real estate.…

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