Estate planning can be a little confusing. Many people aren’t sure about what the legal terms mean and because of it, they can get into some trouble. That it is why it is important that you understand some important legal terms pertaining to estate plans and your estate. Here are some of the more common legal terms and what they mean.
The word intestate means that a person died without an estate plan.…
After getting a severe injury at your workplace, your employer should give you time off work to allow your body to heal from the injuries. During this time, you should also be receiving worker’s compensation pay because the accident happened at work. If your employer is threatening to fire you if you will not work during this time, you may want to hire a worker’s compensation attorney to find out what your rights are.…
Unfortunately, some people resort to violence to solve a disagreement instead of talking it out like civilized adults. While most violent assaults happen outside of the workplace, they can occur at work as well. If you’ve been assaulted at work by a fellow employee, you might not understand all your rights when it comes to seeking compensation for your injuries. Not only can you pursue criminal charges against your attacker, you can seek compensation in several other surprising ways.…