When you are pulled over and arrested on a charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, you could face serious legal and financial consequences if you are found guilty. Your entire future could be at stake, and you could lose your job and freedom as a result.
You do not want to risk going to jail or paying expensive fines, particularly if you believe your blood alcohol content was under the legal limit.…
When struggling with debts, many people turn to borrowing money from friends or family. But what happens to those borrowed amounts if you end up filing for bankruptcy protection? Should you formalize your family loans? To help you and your family or friends decide on the best course, here are some answers to your questions.
How Are Personal Loans Treated?
In a bankruptcy, all creditors are treated as official lenders on equal footing with their peers.…
A criminal defense law attorney sometimes calls a case a “wobbler.” There are three levels of criminal offenses: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. A wobbler is a case that could land on one side or the other of these boundaries, usually the divide between a felony and a misdemeanor. Defendants with potential wobblers should understand these four factors that make such cases challenging.
Foremost, the implications of a conviction tend to be more dramatic if a conviction lands on the high side of the wobble.…