Bizarre Little Known Laws

What Makes A Criminal Case A Wobbler?

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A criminal defense law attorney sometimes calls a case a “wobbler.” There are three levels of criminal offenses: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. A wobbler is a case that could land on one side or the other of these boundaries, usually the divide between a felony and a misdemeanor. Defendants with potential wobblers should understand these four factors that make such cases challenging. Implications Foremost, the implications of a conviction tend to be more dramatic if a conviction lands on the high side of the wobble.…

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Do You Need A Pre-Marital Agreement Before Tying The Knot? Find Out

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Many marriages are successful, and the couples live together through their old age. Unfortunately, some partners experience irreconcilable differences in their relationships, which force them to separate. When this happens, couples might disagree on how to divide their property. This leads to lengthy court battles as each partner tries to keep a bigger percentage of the assets or a more favorable property. You can avoid such issues by preparing a pre-marital agreement before tying the knot.…

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Working With A Bail Bondsman After Hours

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In most circles, business dealings are limited to traditional office hours. However, given that an arrest can occur any time of the day, it is only right that a bail bondsman also is available late at night, or overnight. Should you or a loved one ever find yourself under arrest after hours, learn what steps to take to bail out. Check Online Depending on the bail bonds agency, they may not have a representative in the office twenty-four hours a day, but it does not mean they are not reachable.…

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