In the case of car accidents, you will need to be sure that you follow the necessary steps that will help you to pick up the pieces from both a property value and health point of view. There are a lot of steps that you can take to make sure that you are protected from a legal point of view. You’ll also need to hire a quality car accident lawyer who can assist you in building the most useful case possible.…
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Wrongful death lawsuits can be filed by lawyers on behalf of family members who have lost loved ones due to someone’s negligence or intent. However, before a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed, your lawyer will need to review your deceased loved one’s medical records. However, due to physician-patient privilege and HIPAA laws, obtaining medical records can be challenging, even when the patient is deceased.
Lawyers are able to get medical records, but the process can be a bureaucratic mess.…
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When most people think of having to seek damages after a slip-and-fall accident, they think of public places and retail locations. While it is true that this is often the setting for such unforeseen accidents, it is just as easy to find yourself injured after taking a fall at the home of someone you know. While you may not want to cause friction between you and the person you were visiting, you know that you will have to do something to pay for medical bills and time off of work.…
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