Bizarre Little Known Laws

Fatherhood And Claiming Paternity

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If you’ve recently been notified that you are a father, you are likely reeling and confused, particularly if your relationship with the mom was “on-again, off-again.” You may have doubts about whether or not you are really the father, but want to do the right thing by the baby. Read on to learn why accepting claims of paternity without requiring proof could turn out to be a very bad move.…

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Making Quick Work Of Divorce

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Many people assume that so-called “quickie” divorces are still widely available for those who wish to part ways in a fast and efficient manner. In fact, the quickie divorce of old is no longer available here in the United States. There are still some faster-than-usual ways to divorce both here in the U.S. and by hopping the border. Here is how you can quickly get out of a marriage contract.…

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Three Times You Can't Live Without A Business Attorney

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Many small business owners set up shop and focus on daily operations and expanding their client base. They don’t think about legal issues, or how to handle legal issues, until after the need for an attorney arises. It can be difficult to make an informed choice when choosing an attorney in the midst of a legal battle. As a result, while hardly any small business can afford to have an attorney on the corporate payroll, it is highly beneficial to have an attorney that deals with small business issues on retainer to handle the following legal issues that may pop up in the course of doing business.…

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